Friday, March 9, 2012

Second Week

This week I ran an easy paced 45-minute jog.  Today I ran for an hour but did 3:30 run and 30 sec walk.  I will do one more run this week and save up for my long run next week.

Jeff spoke a lot about nutrition during the two days at Lake Lanier.  As I increase my mileage, I will also have to increase my calories.  I plan to continue eating gluten free / vegan but will have to eat a lot more food.  As I go past two hours of running, I will also have to figure out what I can bring to eat while I am running, and afterward for recovery.  So far, after a race I like bananas and oatmeal.  Oatmeal is a great source of carbohydrates and protein.  Before a race I generally just have coffee and maybe a banana.  I did make my own “energy bar” the other day, I liked it but no one else did.  I blended dates, cocoa powder, chia seeds, and peanut butter together and baked it at 200 degrees for 1.5 hours.  Again, I cant recommend it, but I may make it again just for me!

Jeff told us about a new fabric that actually heats up as you sweat.  After the shoot, I immediately went to Phidippides to find the product he mentioned.  The fabric, called breath thermo is made by Mizuno, similar to the one here.  I ran the 10k in that top with one more layer over it.  It does in fact heat up.  It was FABULOUS.  I highly recommend it, I am cold all the time, and for it to keep me warm in 35 degree weather during the race was a miracle.  

Shoes - Shoes are CRITICAL component of running pain free.   The best advice I would give is to go to Phidippides and let them fit you.  (I have been going there for years, not just since meeting Jeff!)  They  are professional shoe fitters there!  I just got these new kicks, also by Mizuno.  I LOVE them.

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